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577 lines
Thesaur Plus Version 2.0
Thesaur Version 4.0
Copyright (C) 1989
By Derrick Burgess
All Rights Reserved
Derrick Burgess
23311 Schoolcraft St.
West Hills, CA 91307
____|__ | (tm)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Member of the ASP Since 1988
Thesaur/Plus - Page 2
-- Table of Contents --
ASP Ombudsman statement Page 2
Opening Questions and Answers Page 3
How to Set Up Thesaur Plus Page 4
Command Line Options Page 4
How to Change the Colors Page 5
How to Remove from Memory Page 5
Hot to Change the Hot Key Page 5
How to use Thesaur Plus and Your Hot-key combination Page 6
Discussion of Options available from the Menu Page 7
Discussion on Disk Swapping (pros and cons) Page 8
More info on THESAUR and THESPLUS.MOD Page 9
Acknowledgements, Address information. Page 10
Bug Report form Page 11
Registration form Page 12
The following information is provided by the Association of
Shareware Professionals regarding problems with authors
"This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve message via
easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536"
Plus one simple reminder:
Not all synonyms have the same meaning or shade of intent.
If the proper definition of a word or term is not known or
not understood - LOOK IT UP. It is very easy to use the wrong
term instead of the proper one.
Thesaur/Plus - Page 3
A couple of notes:
Thesaur/Plus refers to BOTH Thesaur Plus AND Thesaur
Thesaur Plus refers to ONLY Thesaur Plus
Thesaur refers to ONLY Thesaur
Q> What is Thesaur Plus?
A> Thesaur Plus is a pop-up Thesaurus, whenever you need
a different word or a different shade of meaning than the
word that comes to mind, pop-up Thesaur Plus and get just
the word you wanted, but couldn't quite remember!
Q> Well then what is Thesaur? and how are they different?
A> Thesaur is also a thesaurus, but it is not a memory resident
program - and you can't pop it up whenever you want. Other than
that Thesaur uses the same commands, and only needs DOS 2.0 and one
floppy drive to work compared to the Plus requirements of DOS 3.0 and
a Hard Drive. Thesaur also adds a couple of features not found
in Thesaur Plus.
Q> Are both Thesaur and Thesaur Plus easy to use?
A> Most Definitely! Thesaur/Plus was designed with simplicity
in mind. You only need to remember your Hot-key (the key
combination you use to pop Thesaur Plus up over what you are
doing now) to use the Thesaur Plus, and you only need to start
Thesaur - All available commands are shown in a menu after you
get started! And both programs use the same commands to make it
even easier!
Thesaur/Plus - Page 4
How to Install Thesaur/Plus
Thesaur/Plus should reside on your Hard Drive for best performance,
so you will need to copy all the files from this disk to the
subdirectory of your choice on the Hard drive. (Thesaur/Plus do not
care what drive or directory they are on, but all the files MUST
stay together in the same directory!)
---> Also, do not move the files around if Thesaur Plus is in memory
- First remove it from memory before moving the data files.)
Once you have all the files where you would like, you can then
run CONFIG.EXE to change the Default Colors, and Hot Key.
Once you have copied the files (If you wish) and changed the Default
Colors and HotKey (Again, If you wish) - to Load Thesaur Plus into
memory just run the file THESPLUS.EXE, or if you are not in the
current drive or directory you will have to add those too. To run
Thesaur just run the file THESAUR.EXE.
Once again the installation instructions are..
1) Copy all files on this disk to a subdirectory on your Hard
2) Make that Subdirectory the Default (ex. CD C:\THESPLUS)
3) Run CONFIG.EXE (Not Required)
COMMAND LINE OPTIONS to use when loading Thesaur/Plus
The thesaurus makes use of a few Command Line parameters. They
are as follows....
/DS Enables Disk Swapping
See discussion of benefits and drawbacks on page 8
Thesaur Plus ONLY
/NC If you have a Color Monitor and do not want
Thesaur/Plus to use color, use this option.
BOTH Thesaur Plus and Thesaur
/CGA If you want to pop up over CGA GRAPHIC screens
include this command (CGA text screens do not need
this command - only Graphic screens)
Thesaur Plus ONLY
Samples of Command Options for Thesaur Plus.
THESPLUS /DS /NC - use diskswapping with no color
THESPLUS - use RAM (73k) and color if available
THESPLUS /NC - use RAM (73k) and no color.
THESPLUS /DS /CGA - use disk swapping, and CGA Graphic
screens support
Options can be in any order, but must be preceded by a /
Thesaur/Plus - Page 5
HOW TO CHANGE COLORS (If using a Color Monitor)
If you want to change the colors that Thesaur/Plus use
then enter this command from the DOS prompt:
Colors are changed the next time you Pop Up Thesaur Plus or
run Thesaur.
->The files Config.Exe and ThesPlus.Exe must be in the current
To change the Hot Key for Thesaur Plus you must
enter this command from the DOS prompt:
The Hot Key is changed the next time you load Thesaur Plus
into memory.
->The files Config.Exe and ThesPlus.Exe must be in the current
To remove Thesaur Plus from memory you must enter
this command from the DOS prompt:
The file REMOVE.COM must be in the path or the current
directory to work.
Thesaur/Plus - Page 6
To Load Thesaur Plus into memory, just run the THESPLUS.EXE file.
you may need to add the proper drive and directory that the .EXE
is in so DOS can find the program.
NOTE: Your personal Hot Key is shown when Thesaur Plus is
first loaded into memory, and also if you try to
re-load Thesaur Plus into memory.
After you hit the Hot Key, Thesaur Plus will automatically
look for the word that the cursor is on, or the word that
was immediately to the left of the cursor. If the cursor
was not on or next to a word, then you are asked for the
word that you would like looked up.
Now you are given a Menu of Options of what you can do next.
These Options are discussed in detail on the following pages.
Thesaur/Plus - Page 7
(Documented Options on the Menu)
F Find Another Word
If you want to start a new search for a different a word
B Back Track
If you use <RET> to go to alternate word, you can use this
command to go back to the previous word
I Information
My Address for correspondence, and registration
information. If you are not registered to use this program
there is a 14% chance that this screen will be shown
upon pop-up of Thesaur Plus.
Q Quit
Pop back down to underlying application
ESC Quit
Pop back down to underlying application
<RET> Return or Enter - Display Alternate word
The alternate word that is looked up is the word pointed
to by the arrow key in the middle of the screen.
To move the arrow key to the word you are interested
in, use the Up and Down arrow keys.
Up and Down Arrows are used for scrolling through the synonyms
for each word.
PgUp and PgDn keys are used to scroll to the previous/next word
in the thesaurus.
THESAUR includes the following commands
A Add a Synonym
Add any Synonym to the main word
D Delete Synonym
Delete one of the synonyms shown (To either make room
for a more appropriate word (max 40 syn's per word) or
to just remove a poor choice of words on my part.
There is no Information screen in Thesaur.
Thesaur/Plus - Page 8
Disk Swapping saves valuable RAM by placing the majority of
the program on disk and then swapping it with whatever happens
to be in RAM when it is popped up. - Only applies to Thesaur
Drawbacks to using Disk Swapping
1) It takes time to swap to the hard drive, causing a slight
delay between the time you hit the hot-key and the time
it pops up. (You will notice a green square in the
upper left hand corner of the screen while diskswapping
is taking place)
2) It takes twice as much disk space as it would RAM, because
it not only has to save Thesaur Plus but it has to save
whatever is currently in RAM too.
3) It makes 2 files in the same directory as the .EXE for this
swapping. They are called TH00 and TH01 - This is Thesaur
Plus on disk
DO NOT DELETE THESE FILES! let me say that again -
DO NOT DELETE TH00 and TH01, because if you do,
you will not be able to pop up Thesaur Plus.
When you first load Thesaur Plus, the file TH00 is created -
which is the actual program, the first time you Pop the program
up it creates the file TH01 which is the current image of RAM
that Thesaur is taking the place of.
Don't worry your hard drive will not get filled
up with TH03, TH04, TH05 - ONLY TH00 and TH01 will be used.
Thesaur/Plus - Page 9
THESAUR.EXE is a standalone thesaurus - it is very similar
to Thesuar Plus, but does not become memory resident, only
requires DOS 2.0, can be run off of a floppy system, and is
faster than Thesaur Plus.
The commands to use ThesEdit are the very same as Thesaur Plus,
but there are a couple of added instructions which are:
A) Add a Synonym
D) Delete Synonym
With these two commands you can add or delete any synonym you
want from the database of synonyms.
Whenever you use the commands A or D the actions that are done
are added to a file called THESPLUS.MOD - DO NOT DELETE this file.
This information will be used whenever you either upgrade to a
newer version of Thesaur Plus where I provide a substantially
better database (This way you will not have to lose all the work
you did to customize your list), or you can send the list to me
and I will include your changes in the next release (Preferred by
me - that way everyone can benefit by your effort).
| Because I would really like to get ahold of your THESPLUS.MOD |
| file if you make many additions to the database, I will |
| consider that as partial registration ($1 for every 20 words |
| to add to the database - up to $17 of the $20 registration if |
| you provide me with 340 new and accurate synonyms!) |
Also when you add a new synonym there is a certain amount of
wasted space (noted in brackets in THESPLUS.MOD) in the database
this is only on the order of 25 or so bytes for each synonym
added, but it is using unneeded space - the only way to reclaim
this space is by a special re-Indexer that only comes with the
registered version. (This program should not be needed by anyone
just evaluating the product as the only thing it does is reclaim
a few bytes of the data file - if you do need it, isn't it time
to register?)
The Re-Indexer program will also be sent FREE to anyone who sends
me their Thesplus.Mod file with over 75 New synonyms to add to
the database - ThesPlus.Mod must be EasyPlexed, or Sent via U.S.
mail on a 5.25 360k disk or a 3.5 720k disk. Don't forget to
include a return address.
Thesaur/Plus - Page 10
I would like to give the names of the books that I used for reference
when compiling this thesaurus.
The New American Roget's College Thesaurus (in dictionary form)
Revised by Philip D. Moorehead
Signet Books, 1985, New York, New York
Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus
G. & C. Merrill
1976-First Edition
Webster's New World Thesaurus (Funk & Wagnalls edition)
Prepared by Charlton G. Laird and updated by William D. Lutz
Simon & Schuster Inc., 1985, New York, New York
Plus a special thank you to all who helped make this program a
If you have any suggestions or recommendations to add to this
program - I want to hear them. My best suggestions have come from
users themselves.
How you can reach me: Preference
Derrick Burgess
Address: 23311 Schoolcraft St. #1
West Hills, CA 91307
Phone #: (818) 347 - 2910 #3
CIS: Compuserve ID: 71750,2560 #2 - fast reply!
PC-RELAY: PC-Relay, Shareware Conference #4
Derrick Burgess
R/O Capable
InterLink: InterLink, Shareware Conference #5
Derrick Burgess
Thesaur Plus v2.0 - Page 11
Bug Report
If you encounter a Bug in Thesaur/Plus, or incompatibility of
certain files when using Thesaur Plus, please fill in this form
and mail it to me along with a SASE if you would like a reply.
Can You Duplicate it? How?
What type of Computer do you use?
(Note: Some Leading Edge computers don't work with Thesaur Plus -
some do - The LE Word processor is the same way - it works for some)
Dos Version:
Name :_____________________________
Address :__________________________________________
Phone # :_____________________________
Please put any additional information that you think
is needed on the back.
Send to:
Derrick Burgess
23311 Schoolcraft St.
West Hills, CA 91307
(818) 347 - 2910
Thesaur Plus Registration/Shareware Form Page - 12
Version 2.0 - Released January 1990
Your Address: _____________________________________________
Country (if not U.S.A) ______________
Online Addresses: CIS:_______________Other:____________________
Phone Number: ____________________ Date __________
Thesaur Plus Registration: [ ] $20.00
Latest Version of Thesaur Plus
Complete support via:
U.S. Mail, BBS, PC-Relay and
Compuserve, Phone
Thesaur Plus Latest Shareware Version [ ] $ 6.00
Unregistered Shareware Version for
you to try out - May be newer than
this one. ($5 applied to registration)
Credit for Thesplus.Mod file (If you
send on disk) ______ Words @ $.05 - $
Outside U.S. + Canada $ + $ 5.00
Total $ _________
Where did you hear about Thesaur Plus? ____________________
(If BBS - Which one?)
What reasons prompted you to register? ____________________
What type of machine do you use? __________________________
If you are registering, would you like to be considered to
Beta test future versions? [ ] Yes (Limited #'s needed)
Include any comments and problems if any on the back
Please send check to:
Derrick Burgess
Thesaur Plus
23311 Schoolcraft St.
West Hills, CA 91307
Thank You!